About me

I’m a firm believer in starting in the middle and working my way out to the edges.

When I was 10 I was living in Vancouver with my parents. When I was 14 I moved from my home country to the moral wasteland of the United States. I entered school when I was 5, where I learned to share and draw the letter 8 in two different ways. I graduated Bellarmine Prep School in Tacoma, a school named after the lawyer who prosecuted Galileo. I still haven’t figured out how I feel about that. When I was three I moved to Vancouver from Toronto and ate a mysterious fruit within seconds of arriving at my new house. I still don’t know how that one shook out. I’m in college now and I turned 20 last year. I was born in 1992 in Mt. Sinai Hospital in Toronto, ON and was baptized in a church that eventually burned down.

You can follow me on Twitter: @progSHELL

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