Arbitrary Lists: New Waves

Alright, this is a new feature I’ve got called Arbitrary Lists. Basically, I will take a group of things that are connected in some way and rank them.  Some categories will be obvious, some will be dumb, hopefully they’ll all be fun. Today, I’m going to do rankings of five of the most famous “New Waves” in film.  Let’s meet the contestants!


Fun Fact: If you Google “New Waves” you get this image and a bunch of images from a fan-service manga.

French New Wave (1958-1970) Concerned with pushing boundaries of what will be tolerated in a film. Key Films: Breathless, Jules and Jim, Vivre Sa Vie, Cleo from 5 to 7

American New Wave (or New Hollywood) (1965-1982) Concerned with cementing the auteur theory in commercial cinema. Key Films: The Godfather, Bonnie and Clyde, Easy Rider

Australian New Wave (1971-1989) Concerned with creating a national identity for Australian cinema. Key Films: Walkabout, Mad Max, Wake in Fright, Picnic at Hanging Rock

German New Wave (or New German Cinema) (1962-1982) Concerned with creating films that reflected the beauty of American cinema but reflecting uniquely German anxieties. Key Films: Ali: Fear Eats the Soul, Aguirre, Wrath of God, Paris, Texas.

Romanian New Wave (2004-Present) Concerned with creating aesthetically and narratively bleak films which reflect real life in Romania. Key Films: The Death of Mr. Lazarescu, 4 Months 3 Weeks and 2 DaysPolice, Adjective

And now…


Most Influential

  1. French
  2. American
  3. German
  4. Australian
  5. Romanian

Most Depressing

  1. Romanian
  2. German
  3. American
  4. French
  5. Australian

By My Favorite Film

  1. American (The Godfather)
  2. French (Vivre Sa Vie)
  3. Australian (Walkabout)
  4. Romanian (4 Months 3 Weeks and 2 Days)
  5. German (Paris, Texas)

Accessibility (i.e. What do my parents think?)

  1. American
  2. Australian
  3. German
  4. French
  5. Romanian

Formal Experimentation

  1. French
  2. German
  3. Australian
  4. Romanian
  5. American

Movie Snobbiness?

  1. French
  2. Romanian
  3. German
  4. American
  5. Australian

And Now: My List

  1. French
  2. Amercian
  3. Romanian
  4. German
  5. Australian

How would you rank these? What New Waves did I leave out that you would have included? Do you want to see the rankings I made for Andrei Tarkovsky? I’ve got them!  Let me know in comments!


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